Thursday, December 9, 2010

Lil Wayne: Turning Bad Puns into Chart-topping Hits

As promised, it's time to move away from's blatant disregard for morality to a more light-hearted subject: the famous and drug-induced rapper Lil' Wayne and his ability to turn absolutely awful puns (think of the one-liners your dad tells that embarrass you the most) into amazingly popular rap songs.

Let's start with the most obvious:
"Call me Mr. Flintstone, I can make your bedrock."  Oy.
Hanna and Barbera are rolling in their graves over that one.

Up next, a lyric that made eating lollipops outrageously inappropriate overnight:
"I said he's so sweet/Make her wanna lick the rapper." Good one, Wayne.
Suddenly that owl on the Tootsie Pop commercials that takes two licks and then chomps down doesn't look so friendly.

Well, I hate to say it, but after reading through a bunch of Lil' Wayne lyrics, I realized he's about on the same moral level as I listen mostly to radio edits, so it's easy to forget how awful his original lyrics are.

Oh well, you probably needed a break from reading yesterday's long-winded post anyway.

Up next, surprise post!

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