Tuesday, December 28, 2010

3-D Schmee-D! (Yes, it's a rant.)

That's right, a rant.

What is with this sudden eruption of so-called "3-D" movies and television? Let me point something out to everyone: first of all, just because it looks as if Woody from Toy Story is running toward you with his spindly little legs, this doesn't mean he has been magically transported into the third dimension. If you reach out, he will not be there. He is still trapped inside your television.

More importantly, is there no imagination left in this world?! LIFE is three-dimensional! Either use your imagination when you're watching your two-dimensional show which already features three-dimensional images, or go outside and experience some real elements of the third dimension!

You think it's cool and trendy to wear glasses while watching TV? Does it make you sad when you take them off and the screen is all blurry and crappy? Try having poor vision and being forced to wear real glasses! Take off your glasses anywhere and the whole WORLD is blurry and crappy. Which, judging by the ridiculous evolution of fake three-dimensionalism, may be the best thing after all.

p.s. I would like to dedicate this post to my co-worker Andy, who pestered me constantly to write shorter blogs. Andy, if you actually read this far, I hope you're happy.


  1. If your going to be watching it anyway, then why not watch it more realisticly?
