Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Same story, different day

I'm talking about our government here, people.

Obama stands at his podium yelling at Republicans to stop cutting taxes for the uber-wealthy while reminding Congresspeople that they need to "stay put" in order to get things done. Oh, coming to work. What a revolutionary idea. But see, when you work for Congress, showing up to work is a lot like going to church. Just because you show up doesn't mean you're actually making any kind of effort to better yourself or those around you. Our country's political parties have become so divided that Congresspeople are more worried about the personal agendas of their own parties than the good of the American people and our country. So unless they come to work and make some compromises which result in beneficial decisions, there's really no point in getting out of bed.

In other news, Obama claims to be finally beginning the Afghanistan troop withdrawal he's promised us since...his campaign. Meanwhile Al Qaeda has appointed a new leader (who is probably pissed at us) and Afghan security guards are grabbing their guns and running for cover while Afghan militants bomb a hotel in Kabul., I wouldn't say we've put Afghanistan in a position to successfully continue without us. Not to mention, the Wall Street Journal reported today (rather obviously) that Al Qaeda still remains a top threat to the US "despite the death of Osama bin Laden." Wait, you mean killing one person doesn't result in the complete destruction of an entire terrorist group and its mentalities? In fact, in might even make that group more angry at the United States? Oh. Shit.

But that's okay, if you're disheartened by our current president's leadership tactics, fear not. Soon you will be able to vote for a new president. Someone like Michele Bachmann who not only has trouble differentiating between John Wayne and John Wayne Gacy (wait, which one was the Western star and which one was the serial child rapist and murderer?) but who also plans to add an amendment to the Constitution that federally bans gay marriage. Poor Michele. We're trying to evolve as a people, not turn back into ignorant cave monkeys (did monkeys live in caves?)! Although I suppose she's really more of a Creationist judging by how much she mentions her god and her bible and how that winning combination is going to help her run our country. Perhaps when she was brushing up on her high school history, she passed over the chapter that talked about how the United States is a secular country. Must have been the same chapter that discussed slavery, considering she announced that the founding fathers were the men who helped to end slavery in the United States. Hmm...couple decades behind there, Michele.

I still hold hope that someday a capable person will run our country. I use the word "someday" loosely.

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