Monday, July 11, 2011

Nothing is free--not even a Slurpee

That's right. Did you really think I was going to let something like "Free Slurpee Day at 7-Eleven" just slide by unnoticed? Please.

Like I've been saying all along, nothing is free! Even booming convenience store chain 7-Eleven is willing to admit it, on the day that it claims to give out "free" Slurpees no less. That's right, to celebrate the "birthday" of the chain, they gave out "free" 7.11 ounce Slurpees. Cute.

But here's the thing. Those little Slurpees that people flocked from all over to try actually promoted increased Slurpee sales by almost 40%. I mean come on. It's like giving someone one free and delicious chip and then being surprised that they bought a whole bag. People marched into their local 7-Elevens, took one brain-freezing gulp of that liquid popsicle and just had to have more.

Plus, they bought other stuff too. Think about it. You drink a tiny Slurpee, you see a candy bar out of the corner of your eye, then maybe a Gatorade looks at you in just the right way...before you know it, you've bought an entire "Thank you for shopping" plastic bag of goodies. And you probably wouldn't have even stepped in to 7-Eleven that day if they hadn't been giving out "free" Slurpees.

It happens every day! How many times do you go to the store and buy something just because it's on sale? Oooh, strawberries are buy one get one free! Well breaking news, you have to BUY one to get the other one for "free". Therefore, you have spent money. You still technically paid for both strawberry buckets. Maybe you wouldn't have even bought strawberries if they weren't featured in some "BOGO" deal.

-What about library books? They're free.
-Nope. Taxes. Not to mention late fees.

-I got a free keychain when I bought this DVD.
-The price of the keychain was included in the DVD, for which you are most likely already overpaying.

-I found $20 on the ground. Free money!
-Well, not exactly. Just because you aren't paying for it doesn't mean it's free. Someone lost that $20 and therefore paid a price. Plus if you have a conscience, you'll feel guilty. That's a price too.

The point is, when a company advertises something as "free", they're not doing it to be nice. They're doing it because they know it will draw you in with thoughts of legally stealing and one-upping a corporation--of getting your "money's worth". And it works. It feels good to get two things for the price of one (even if the price of one thing is overinflated to account for the price of both)! Or to have someone give you something without asking for anything in return (at least not right that second). But just remember: everyone pays for everything. Even if it isn't in dollars and cents, everything comes at a cost.


  1. 7-11 exists in an era where every little piss ant wanna=be thinks they're gonna open early and stay open later..6-12 em of business..Children of the Corn mentality...7-11 is a beacon of light in an other wise bum rush morning


  2. I've read your comment several times but remain confused as to what your point is.
    I'm going to go out on a limb and assume you got yourself a Slurpee today.
