Sunday, February 6, 2011

Freedom to marry

Maryland legislators are going to be voting on a bill legalizing same-sex marriage. Please visit to write a letter to your state representative, urging them to vote for equal marriage rights for all.

There is a standard letter already composed for you if you don't know what to say.

This is what I wrote:

I live in your district at [my address] and I am writing to urge you to vote for a bill allowing gay and lesbian couples to marry.

America has long been hailed as a place where people can be free. Being able to marry someone that you love, no matter what, should be one of those freedoms.

As a young woman who hopes to have a family of her own one day, I want to know that I will be able to raise my children in a state--and someday a country--where everyone is afforded the same rights.

We have a responsibility to our fellow humans. You, as state representatives, have the power to make the change that no one else can--to finally give same-sex couples the same rights as everyone else.

Thank you,

[my name]

I'm not going to make an argument for same-sex marriage here. If you don't already believe that everyone should have the same rights in marriage, reading a blog post by someone--no matter who it is--isn't going to change your mind.

But if you, like many others, believe that everyone should be afforded the same rights, please take a couple of minutes to visit and send a letter to your representatives.

We have to start taking care of each other.

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