Thursday, February 24, 2011

A Step in the Right Direction!

     A couple of posts ago, I asked readers to go to and write a letter to their state representatives, pleading with them to work to pass a bill that legalizes gay marriage. I wrote my letter, and I hope that some of you did too.
     If you did, you might have made a difference. Yesterday, Obama declared that the federal government could no longer defend the fifteen year-old Defense of Marriage Act, which defines marriage as a union between one man and one woman. It also states that no state needs to acknowledge a same-sex marriage just because another state deems it a marriage.
     So when Obama decided that the DOMA, which bans gay marriage, was unconstitutional, that was a step in the right direction. Not for just one state, but for the whole country.
And then to top it all off, today the Maryland Senate started the ball rolling by approving a bill that legalized gay marriage. Tomorrow, the House will begin their debate and voting process, and if they approve the bill, Governor O'Malley will sign the bill (as he promised to do during his run for office), and Maryland will become the 6th state to legalize gay marriage.

     So what does this mean? It means that we're finally making progress when it comes to establishing equal rights for everyone. It means that the people who have been fighting to legalize gay marriage against all odds are finally starting to feel a sense of victory. It means that our own president is finally willing to admit that a ban against gay marriage is unconstitutional and that people who are fighting for equality are finally getting support from their own government.

    Others will always fight to keep marriage as some kind of sacred and exclusive bond between a man and a woman. But we will keep fighting back. And someday, decades from now, people will laugh when they think that we ever had to fight at all. Someday marriage will be a right that is afforded to every couple. So keep writing and keep fighting until we've stomped out DOMA altogether!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Freedom for Egypt, but at what price for others?

     As most people who don't live under a rock now know, on Friday, Egypt's president finally stepped down after a 30-year rule. The people of Egypt protested in the streets for weeks, wondering if and when President Mubarak would ever relinquish his power. Finally, on February 12th, he made the announcement that he would be giving up his presidential seat.

     I was excited--in a world full of bad news, finally some victory for people who deserved it. But now, in the wake of this freedom, some other more disturbing stories are starting to surface. Like the report of CBS correspondent Lara Logan being brutally raped and beaten by a mob of men just after Mubarak made his announcement that he was stepping down.

     Now sexual and physical assault is bad enough on its own. Rape is one of the most horrendous offenses anyone could commit against a woman. But in a situation like this, where a huge crowd of people has just earned themselves the victory of a lifetime, why would you choose to defile someone in that way? What possesses a person, who has just been freed from a lifetime of oppression by their own government, to then rob someone else of their sexual and physical freedom? Not to mention, a person who is there for the sole purpose of broadcasting said mob's jubilation and celebration of this long-awaited victory?
    It's disgusting. When I first heard the story of Egypt's freedom, I was jealous of the energy that the people in those streets must have been feeling. To finally be free after decades of oppression and unfair rule? To be able to celebrate that moment with thousands upon thousands of people who are feeling the same glorious victory that you feel? But now I wonder what kind of energy must have been flowing through that crowd that would motivate a group of protestors who had just achieved a seemingly impossible goal to violate an innocent woman. What kind of celebration is that? What kind of message does that send?

Men are free, women will never be?
Our government is no longer figuratively raping us, let's literally rape someone else?
Let's metaphorically steal something from someone because we've had so much stolen from us?
We hate the United States?
Don't broadcast our freedom?

     It makes you wonder what kind of world we live in. Will there never be any good news?

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Could craigslist users get any dumber?


It seems like craigslist's reputation gets worse and worse with each passing day. First, craigslist was tainted by the so-called "craigslist killer" who not only used craigslist to find murder victims but then earned a top spot on the Lifetime Movie Network with his self-titled made-for-tv movie.

But craigslist has become more than just a place to find roommates, cheap appliances, and victims. Now it is also serving as a brothel and a blackmarket for stolen goods! Oh, and did I mention that it's now the perfect place to ruin your political career?

That's right; up until recently, craigslist operated an "adult services" section where people could apparently both advertise and look for opportunities that were less than...wholesome. The website shut down this section after pressure from state attorneys and activist groups, but don't worry, weirdos. The prostitutes haven't disappeared. They've moved to facebook.

If that wasn't enough to keep people from using craigslist for anything legitimate ever again, maybe this is: now craigslist is a place where you can sell goods you've stolen from Wal-mart for a profit! That's right, if you're like the Florida woman who was charged with grand theft for stealing electronics from her local superstore, craigslist might be just the place for you. Just don't sell the hard drives to an undercover police detective. Oh, and maybe you should scratch the serial numbers off of the devices so that your local Wal-mart can't match them to the items recently stolen from their establishment.

And as if there weren't enough avenues for politicians to completely destroy their careers, Republican Congressman Chris Lee has found another one in craigslist. The worst part is, he didn't even make an earnest attempt to hide his identity before he sent topless photos of himself to some random woman he found on the site. Oh wait, he did change his name. From Chris Lee to Christopher Lee. And instead of admitting he was a congressman, he told her he was a lobbyist. Really, buddy? That's the best you can do? At least he was smart enough to resign from Congress after that whole debacle. And to think these are the people we have running our country.

I think these stories are just more fuel for the argument that we need to take a few steps back from technology. Or at least from weird illegitimate websites.

Here are the articles for these awesome stories:

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Freedom to marry

Maryland legislators are going to be voting on a bill legalizing same-sex marriage. Please visit to write a letter to your state representative, urging them to vote for equal marriage rights for all.

There is a standard letter already composed for you if you don't know what to say.

This is what I wrote:

I live in your district at [my address] and I am writing to urge you to vote for a bill allowing gay and lesbian couples to marry.

America has long been hailed as a place where people can be free. Being able to marry someone that you love, no matter what, should be one of those freedoms.

As a young woman who hopes to have a family of her own one day, I want to know that I will be able to raise my children in a state--and someday a country--where everyone is afforded the same rights.

We have a responsibility to our fellow humans. You, as state representatives, have the power to make the change that no one else can--to finally give same-sex couples the same rights as everyone else.

Thank you,

[my name]

I'm not going to make an argument for same-sex marriage here. If you don't already believe that everyone should have the same rights in marriage, reading a blog post by someone--no matter who it is--isn't going to change your mind.

But if you, like many others, believe that everyone should be afforded the same rights, please take a couple of minutes to visit and send a letter to your representatives.

We have to start taking care of each other.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

News in a bag

Behold, the news. Compressed:

Snow is coming to the United States. The average household has enough food for 3 days. So we're about nine meals away from anarchy. Similarly, the average Marylander is about nine minutes away from abandoning their car on the side of the road in the middle of a snowstorm. Or a rainstorm. Or a strong wind.

Illegal immigration in the US is stabilizing. Oddly, right after Obama delivers his State of the Union address, foreigners are deciding they no longer want to live here.

Looking for the cool new white iPhone 4? Good luck. Even Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak had to buy the parts online. Illegally. From a teenager.

Finally people are reconsidering the utopian dream that is universal healthcare. Turns out being forced to purchase health care benefits isn't so great when you'd rather spend your money on food.

Mubarak (that's the president of Egypt, people) has finally announced that he will not run for re-election. Really? But, Mubarak, you have so many fans.

Breaking news: Charlie Sheen is addicted to drugs, sex, and he's also kind of a jerk. Even Joan Rivers thinks he's "awful." Lindsay Lohan feels bad for him, though. Maybe she can fill in for him on Two and a Half Men.